
The mission of “Alternative Recovery for All” Foundation is to contribute to developing a society with a high-health culture and a level of well-being that creates happiness, opportunities, and positive change. On a micro level, through disseminating shared knowledge, providing quality educational resources, and evidence-based content, we endeavor to raise awareness about various forms of light’s pivotal role in enhancing life, health, and recovery. One of our objectives is to ensure that people comprehend the value of novel light sources and understand their functionality, sustainability, and safety.


With a rich legacy in the realm of light-based equipment, our organization boasts a deep understanding of the intricacies within this niche. We have been pioneers in crafting various cutting-edge devices tailored for light therapy and health enhancement for decades. Throughout our journey, we have remained unwavering in our commitment to uncompromising quality in the equipment meticulously researched and crafted by our teams. This unwavering dedication to excellence remains pivotal as we continue our mission of education today.


We are proud to say that our team members were and still are among the leaders regarding light therapy machinery. Our constant efforts to optimize and broadly understand reliable equipment for light therapy, health regeneration, and surface disinfection give our team the expertise to assist.


One of our primary goals is to educate about the power of light in our universe and, in general, about the benefits of alternative medicine. We are constantly developing new educational materials, and we gladly share them with everyone curious about the topics of light therapy and related topics.


Thanks to more than four decades of experience of our team members in the field, we are well acquainted with every detail related to light equipment and its uses. This positions us as one of the leading organizations in the area. We try to humbly lead by example and invest a lot of effort to keep the standards high when it comes to our work and helping others.

“Alternative Recovery for All” Foundation with ID No. 207091759 welcomes you to our website! The foundation is a nonprofit organization working for public benefit registered in the European Union, Republic of Bulgaria. Our activity is socially beneficial, fulfilling the mission to contribute to the development of a society with a high-health culture and a level of well-being that creates happiness, opportunities, and positive change.

Please keep in mind that (if there are) the mentioned products and names of different companies are trademarks (™ or ®) or are property of their respective owners. Our foundation is not connected to them in any way if not explicitly stated. If any, the mentioned brands are only for educational purposes. Our website is an educational platform managed by volunteers working with “Alternative Recovery for All” Foundation. We always bring high quality but can’t guarantee results, and our content should be treated only as an educational assisting tool. Always think critically, and if you have questions, please do contact us.